Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Practically Perfect

I daydream a whole lot so after a few days of preparation and finally practicing and deciding to go for it, a day of auditions on Friday went something like this in my head....
I woke up, was totally prepared to audition for The Fantastiks, Camelot and Mary Poppins. There was no need for convincing me. I was ready to go for it!!!    I had it mapped out on what audition to go to first and second and third because two were at Pearl Studios and the other was at the Actors Equity building.  My plan was to go to work, leave right at 3:30 when I got off and then head to the Camelot audition first because it was an open audition and I would for sure get to audition.  Then I was going to go to Mary Poppins because the call closed at 5:30 and since it was an Equity Principal audition I, of course, was taking my chances.  Then I was going to go to The Fantasticks audition. 
A day of auditions on Friday actually went something like this.....
I woke up, was totally prepared to audition for all three shows.  I didn't have to be convinced to do it so I knew that I had to get all of my stuff together and take it to work with me.  That meant I needed to bring a dress and heels to change into, dance clothes in case I had to dance and all of my music.  I got that all together and headed to work.  It was a ridiculously busy day at work so I did not make it out of Cranky's until almost 4:00.  So I rushed over to Pearl Studios like I had origianally mapped out and planned on going to the Camelot audition first.  When I got to the 12th floor there was no one left at the open call so I completely missed that one.  Sad day.  Then I asked the people working the front desk  "What about Mary Poppins?  Is that still happening?"  One of them responded with "I don't really know. We just rent out the rooms but the holding room is right back there, you can go check if you'd like."  I definitley went to check and when I walked into the room there was only one person in there.  I said "Is this the audition for Mary Poppins?"  He replied with "Yeah it is."  Then I asked a stupid question...Are you Equity?  His response came with a little attitude and said "Um yeah are you not?"  I said "No, do you know if they are going to see non-equity?"  He said again with a little snootiness "Yeah probably this is the last day of 3 days of auditions so I don't see why not..The Monitor is outside if you want to talk to him."  So I said thanks and waited for the Monitor at the door. 
As soon as the monitor started walking towards the door I said "Hi are they seeing non-equity today?"  He said with a huge smile "well of course, you'll be in the last group at 4:50.  Just sign your name on the paper and then give me your headshot and resume."  So I signed my name up on the list sat down for a few minutes,  listened to my song on my iphone with piano accompaniment and then looked up the requirements for the audition one last time to make sure I was completely prepared. When I looked on the website I saw that it said 'Sing a short piece from a contemporary musical.'  Well, crap!  I only had 25 bars of a song ready to go.  But I figured it was no big deal because those 25 meausures are the best in the whole song. 
At 4:40 the monitor asked for my headshot and resume and then said, "okay you guys follow me."  There were only three of us, two equity members (a boy and a girl) and me. The boy went first and then I was very very last for the three days of auditions.  When I went into the room I was nervous but not too nervous because I felt good about my song.  I was lucky enough to have a little help from a friend on my song a few nights before.  So I went into the room, handed my music to the accompanist and then said to the person listening to the auditions  "Hi I'm Crystal, I'll be singing The Beauty is from The Light in the Piazza."  And then the accompanist started, I sang and before I knew it the audition was over!  I thought to myself....see it's not so bad.
I walked out feeling good but knowing that this is just really good experience.  Here is one thing, though, I was super impressed with.  The accompanist!  Most auditions I'm always so nervous because I don't know how the accompanist will play the song I've chosen.  Will he be good?  Will he be able to sight read this song?  Will he follow me?  All these things I always worry about but as soon as this accompanist started playing I knew I could sing the song however I wanted because he would follow me and he played extremely well.  So I took some liberties with the music that I don't normally do and felt like I was successful even though I didn't sing a whole song. I sure did pretend like 25 bars was all I was supposed to sing though. 
  After that audition I headed to The Fantasticks audition.  According to my Iphone and my Hopstop app it would only take 15 minutes to get there.  That meant I would be there by 5:15.  Fifteen minutes before the call was closed.  I walked the whole way and when I got there I was really hoping it wasn't too late.  But, alas, it was.  The building where the audition took place was the Actors Equity Association and apparently it's really for members only.  I walked in and looked around and didn't see anyone who could help so I stepped foot into the lounge area.  As soon as I did a lady sort of snapped at me and said "are you an equity member?"  I said "no" and then started to feel like I was five years old because she was about to reprimand me.  Then she said "you're not allowed in the lounge if you're not an equity member."  Geez lady,  I don't know these things I'm new at this is what went through my head at the moment.  Then I said "I'm sorry I'm just wondering if the Fantasticks audition is over or if they are seeing non-equity?"  The lady once again snapped at me never once looking me in the eye and said "Nope sorry everything is closed for the day."
After that experience I learned that the Equity lounge is for members only and the Equity members that hang out there are pretty snooty.  That's just my first impression. 
I was a little dissappointed that I wasn't able to audition for Camelot or The Fantasticks but was very happy I was able to audition for Mary Poppins.  It was practically perfect in every way...well almost.  I have a lot more preparing to do because I have My Fair Lady auditions and the Phantom of the Opera auditions coming up soon plus some others that I can't think of right away but I'm off to practice and then play the weekend away! 

Miss Gulley in Manhattan

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