Waiting all day in an audition holding room can be a very long, boring day. However, it is definitely a great place for people watching. I have to say that these singers/actors are very interesting and super vain. I mean, I'm not exempt from vanity because I definitely suffer from it sometimes but gees, these people sit facing the mirror and literally watch themselves for hours. I really get a kick out of it. Not only do they sit and watch themselves for hours but they primp, put makeup on, curl their hair, put it up and take it down several times until it's just right. They straighten their clothing as if they didn't really get ready at home. They watch themselves walk into the room and out of the room, and they watch themselves talk to the person next to them. Sometimes there will be crazy girls who walk in and start singing loudly and change clothes in front of everyone and of course in front of the mirror that everyone is watching themselves in. It was just hilarious to me as I looked around the room and watched all these beautiful men and women make sure they looked okay.
This holding room I speak of was my home for today. I planned on going to two auditions. The first one was an equity chorus call for The King and I but I missed that one because I couldn't get out of bed. The chorus call for singers was at 9:30 and I did not get there till 11:30 which was just in time for the dancers call. Then I went across the street to the Equity Principal Audition for Empire, a musical about the construction of the Empire State Building. I have had the Empire audition in my phone calendar for weeks because I think it sounds like a great show! I was really excited when I walked in and was allowed to sign up on the non-equity list. The monitors said it was moving pretty fast and a lot of the equity performers weren't showing up in the morning so it looked promising that I would be able to audition.
Well, after lunch everyone must have woken up because tons of people were showing up at this audition and bumping the non-equity people off the list. It was a sad day when 4:00PM rolled around because the monitor said "The directors will not see any more non-equity today. There just isn't enough time. If you want to leave your headshot and resume they will look at those."
That's the joy of auditioning. You never know if you will be seen or not , but you hope with all your heart that you do get the chance. When it doesn't happen there is always another audition around the corner. I will be auditioning for the chorus on Wednesday....hopefully.
A hopeful, Miss Gulley in Manhattan
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