Saturday, July 16, 2011

As Time Goes By

It's always sad when you realize time goes by too fast.  I feel like I'm finally settled here but yesterday I realized that my time here in NYC is almost over.  Lindsey at Cranky's asked if I was staying here for good and as much as I wanted to say yes, I told her I would be leaving August 9th and it seriously broke my heart to say that.  I have cried tears about leaving already and I haven't even bought my ticket home yet.  (I should probably get on that) There is still so much I want to do and experience but there is just not enough time for it.
Monday I had the day off and I literally spent most of my day looking up all the auditions that I wanted to do. They are all equity so of course I take my chances because there is no quarantee I'll be seen but here are the auditions I would like to do:  Mary Poppins, Camelot, The Fantastiks, The Phantom of the Opera, Bonnie and Clyde, and My Fair Lady, just to name a few. 
I have finally started practicing  every day but I have found that I need new music.  A lot of the auditions require contemporary theatre songs and all of my repetoire consists of all the old school theatre songs like, Rogers and Hammerstein, Lerner and Lowe, Meredith Wilson etc. I have been to the Performing Arts Library at Lincoln Center looking through music to see if I could find anything good.  The answer is yes, I have found good music but I don't feel like I have enough time to learn it before some auditions so that I feel comfortable with it.  Alas, I will do my best. 
Tomorrow I have three auditions listed to go to.  One is an open call for Camelot. The other two are The Fantastiks off-Broadway  production and Mary Poppins, the touring cast.  Hopefully, I will make it to all three but I have to work and I won't get off till 3:30 and most of the calls are over at 5:30.  Again, I will be taking my chances but I'm not talking myself out of them.  I will be trying to make it to them all. Too bad they are not all in the same place. 
Like I said in the beginning I wish I could stay here forever and that summer did not have to end.  Thankfully, I have a few more weeks so I am going to make the most of them and soak in the people, the sights, the sounds, the smells, the shows and the auditions. 

A very sad about leaving but happy it's not over yet, Miss Gulley in Manhattan

1 comment:

  1. My precious friend, Crystal,
    I so enjoy reading your blogs. Thank you for the pictures too. You looked perfect for drumming if you ask me.
    I am happy you have found nice people, nice coffee,audtions and church. You are a messenger of God and you need to feed your soul. Thank goodness you found a good place with music and inspiration.
    Tell Sandra, hello.
    So from your old Jewish friend, here are some thoughts for you as time seems to be flying by.
    Great that there is a piano in the sublet, but too bad the guy was TYPICAL and did not keep it clean before you got there.
    You have done more than so many who try out NYC; a job!!!! auditions!!!!!! and finding it all still to your liking.
    I know school is not easy. You can take this year as a swan song if you feel that way. Take time to smell the roses, those cute little ones who deserve your love and musical instruction. You have a lot of challenges ahead of you, no doubt, but Cindy will still be there for you, and you can do anything!!!!!
    I am sure you heard from Sandra, that Angela even took her keys and hung it up for a new adventure.
    Her new school/church looks beautiful.
    Your time there in NYC has a time limit, and I think you agree that is good for us all to have deadlines.. It is enough to make you sad, but not enough for you to miss everyone here that love you and still need you. You can slam and cram in all the fun possible, and then come home and make plans to return. So leave them all still applauding so to speak.
    Speaking of applauding, I went to see Miss Saigon at Woodlawn. I was amazed how great it was. Bryd Bonner was the Engineer and wowowowowow! He was so full of life and compassion.
    Mathew Lieber went to Redland Oaks and MacAuthur HS. I fell in love with him, seriously. He sang and acted the heck out of the role of Chris. I think you should marry him if he is the right age and believes in God.
    I was prepared not to like Jennifer Harris as Kim. I was so wrong as her voice melted every song, high, low, loud soft. Where has this girl been? They are both going to be in Avenue Q in August at Woodlawn.
    So dance away the day, run for all those opportunities, and then come home to those of us who love you.
    Amen, hope I did not preach too much.
    Love you, Janie your old Jewish Mother...
