Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Movie in the Making...

This is happening right across the street from Cranky's.  This is reason 1001 why I love this place.  Sometimes I am so overwhelmed with th fact that I live in New York City.  Y'all, I live in New York City!  I get to call this place home for 6 more weeks! 
I have lot's more to write about but it will have to wait.  I'm about to go pick up my bis sis at the airport and I am so excited.  I cannot wait to show her around.  I really hope she enjoys her stay.

The New Yorker, Miss Gulley in Manhattan

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, I did! I had so much fun! The sore and aching muscles was worth it all. Thanks for everything...except the mouse eating my coconut M-n-M's!
