Monday, June 13, 2011

A compass, a serenade and a lot of laughter

As we all know, I am directionally challenged. I also have a love/hate relationship with maps.  Really, just a hate relationship.  So, it's a miracle to me that I can make it anywhere in this city with the map on my Iphone.  Here's how it works for me... I type in the name of the place I want to go, or the address and then the walking route shows up, like you see below. Well, the next step says something like, head northwest toward 41st street ,and I think "okay I know where that is."  Yeah, not really, because I end up going  any direction but Northwest and then have to get back on track by looking for my blue dot that is floating off somewhere away from that purple path.  I really do a lot of unnecessary walking but at I least I make it somewhere in NYC right?  I'm getting the hang of it though and I feel like a real New Yorker sometimes b/c people will stop me in the crowd and say "Where is Times Square?" or "How do you get to  Rockefeller Center?" or "What train do I take to get here?"   I always love those moment when I can answer with the right way. 
What my map looks like
As I somehow make it from point A to point B I enjoy the subway when i'm not walking.  This weekend the subway was filled with all sorts of entertainers.   I was serenaded by some mariachis, blown away by a group of break dancers dancing while the train was moving with flips and all, and enjoyed some opera singing from the man behind me as I was exiting the station.  My favorite, and the most entertaining to me, are the people walking and talking to themselves like no one is watching them.  It's usually a vulgar phrase or they are cussing at someone or just break out in a random thought.  It's hilarious and I have realized that inhibitions are out the window here.  So, I just laugh to myself and enjoy the noise they make. 

Miss Gulley in Manhattan

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