This is happening right across the street from Cranky's. This is reason 1001 why I love this place. Sometimes I am so overwhelmed with th fact that I live in New York City. Y'all, I live in New York City! I get to call this place home for 6 more weeks!
I have lot's more to write about but it will have to wait. I'm about to go pick up my bis sis at the airport and I am so excited. I cannot wait to show her around. I really hope she enjoys her stay.
The New Yorker, Miss Gulley in Manhattan
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
On Broadway...
I have been truly blessed today. I have worked all week except Monday and was supposed to work today. I was kind of tired so when I woke up this morning I just had no desire to go to work at all. I was going to have to close and then take another train home because the 7 train I always take is under construction. I sucked it up because I know I have a job to do and I got there right at 3:58 PM. As soon as I walked in the guy I was supposed to work with tonight (whose name is Sunday) said "Hey, they only need one person to work tonight. Do you want to go home?" I replied "Actually, yes I really do." After that Sunday and I talked for a while and I made myself a mocha. I have to say I make a mean mocha. He's my favorite person to work with because he's a really strong christian and we talk a lot about what God is doing in our lives. That is, as much as we can before we are interrupted by customers. Half of our stories get cut short but he's still very encouraging. I love it. After I left Cranky's I decided it was about time for me to see a Broadway show. I've been here almost 3 weeks and haven't done that yet. So tonight was the perfect night for it because I didn't have to work after all. I got off the subway at 42nd street and headed straight for the TKTS booth in Times Square. I decided on The Normal Heart because I've never seen a play before on Broadway and I heard that this story was incredible.
I bought my ticket for half price, bought a black cardigan at H&M because it's been chilly here and then enjoyed a slice of Ray's Pizza. After that I headed to the show and enjoyed every minute. I walked into the theatre, looked down at the stage and saw that it was just white walls and an empty stage. I thought that was very interesting. But once the lights went down and the show began it was a beautiful stage with an incredible story told by some of the best actors I've ever seen. Their performance was so powerful and so moving that it brought tears to my eyes. Each actor was completly wrapped up in the show and in the character they were portraying. It was amazing to me how real it all seemed. Toward the end, the audience was so still and so quiet I could hear the sound of sniffles throughout the house. The Normal Heart is a play written by Larry Kramer, dealing with the rise of the HIV-AIDS crisis in New York City from 1981-1984, through the eyes of Ned Weeks, the gay Jewish founder of a prominent HIV advocacy group. When the show was over the audience stood to their feet with thunderous applause. The producer came out after and announced to us that Gay Marriage is now legal in the state of New York. It was a weird moment for me if I'm being honest. I mean, that was like part of history right there. So, that was my evening. It was a great night at the theatre and a great night in New York City. I'm so thankful for my unexpected night off.
The Broadway going Miss Gulley in Manhattan
PS. The mouse is still on the loose in my apartment. I know this because I saw it with my own two eyes last night. There was a lot of screaming, crying and sweating all at once. PLEASE GO AWAY LITTLE MOUSE!!!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Sunday, I woke up and went to church at Trinity Grace on the Upper West Side. This church was way easier to get to than Apostles Church on the Upper East Side. Instead of being 45 minutes late I was only 15 minutes late. That's pretty good. The sermon was really perfect for me. A missionary from Burundi named Simon Guilbeaud was there to give to share with us. He was incredible and has an amazing story. His sermon was titled The Adventure of Calling and he based it off of Genesis 12:1-9. He asked this question right away and I was hooked. "Would you call your spiritual life an adventure?"
He made some really great points that I wrote down. So here they are....C-Claim His promises
O-Obey Gods Commands
M-Maintain faith in God's leading.
E-Embrace risks for God's glory. "If we are not taking risks in the name of Christ we are not living by faith but by sight"
A painter in the Highline Park |
Simon ended with this phrase that I love and have heard before in preparation for my trips to Africa. He said " The safest place to be is in the heart of God's will." Needless to say I loved the sermon and it was just what I needed to hear. I met some nice people and was informed that there are a lot of teachers in the Trinity Grace congregation. I think I might go back next week.
After church I went to Chelsea Market. It was full of restaurants and little shops that were so cute. I enjoyed a yummy crepe and then headed to the Highline Park that is right above Chelsea Market. I loved it. Next, I headed to Chinatown in hopes of finding a new bag that will fit all of my stuff and close all the way so I don't have to fiddle with it all the time. Alas, I just didn't feel like bargaining so I headed a few streets over to SoHo. No luck there either. I gave up and came home. However, I was desperately wanting some Pita chips. When I got off the subway I'm pretty sure I went into every grocery store within three blocks of me and NO ONE had pita chips. Again, I gave up and came home without the things I was looking for. So this began my frustrations.
Bird feeders. Cute! |
View from the park |
Monday I stayed home nearly all day doing laundry, cleaning the apartment once again and waiting for the exterminator to come. I have to be honest and say I sort of hate this place I'm living. It's probably because it wasn't clean when I got here and I definitely had a fear of bed bugs. Not only that, but the room is tiny, the floor is never clean even after I have mopped it, I broke the freaking futon/bed that I'm sleeping on rearranging my room (but I fixed it) and I have a friendly mouse that comes to visit every night at 11:30. GEES!!!!! That's so gross!!!!!
Movie night in Bryant Park |
Yummy! |
The exterminator finally came around 1:00PM. He sprayed everything down, set out mouse traps and said no bed bugs!! Hallelujah! I can rest easy, except now I'm going to have to deal with a dead mouse when it finds its way to the sticky stuff. Just what I want to do! Before the exterminator left he told me I had to leave everything to dry. So I left and went shopping again for that bag I needed. I made a pit stop at Magnolia Bakery and had a very yummy red velvet cupcake, then, thankfully found a bag at H&M. I took my new bag and myself across the street to Bryant Park where they have free movies every Monday night. Since I don't have a TV I thought a free movie sounded rather delightful. I watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest amidst the street noise of the city and thought it was a very interesting movie and enjoyed the experience. I finally got home after an hour of travel on the subway because they don't run as frequent late nights. There is no rest for the weary because I still had to vacuum the couch, mop the floors again and then put things back in order. (See why this place is annoying me????!!!) I finally went to bed at 2:00AM.
Today, I slept in and will be going to work at 4:00. There have been frustrating moments especially when it comes to where I am staying, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. At least I have a place, so I grin and bear it and know that it's pretty darn clean and there are no bed bugs. Things will get better.
It's in the shape of a heart!!! Perfect b/c I love NYC and red velvet |
The frustrated, yet thankful, Miss Gulley in Manhattan
Friday, June 17, 2011
This is Cranky's. It's a cute little joint in Long Island City where I will be working when I'm not exploring. My first day of work was on Tuesday from 4:00PM until about 9:00PM and I had so much fun. I learned how to make a few coffee drinks, I learned the computer system and by about 6:00 PM Lindsey, the manager, had me serving tables all by myself. More importantly, I've met some very fun regulars that come in all the time. I've met someone new each time I've worked and have had a very lovely conversation with them. It's so normal for people to come in and eat by themselves in NYC. (I am now a fan and do it all the time.) The first night I worked, I met Kevin, he is hilarious, a fellow musician and a fellow Texan. I plopped myself down right next to him while I was taking my break and just talked away. The next day, I met Ryan who read me news articles about teachers in Texas while eating his breakfast and yesterday I met Barbara, who came in for lunch on her day off. We talked about the arts, Long Island City and a whole bunch of other stuff. It's just so fun to chat with random strangers...something I've never done before or really enjoyed. But, I have learned, everyone has a story and it's so fun to hear it.
I kinda love Cranky's. The food is really good, the atmosphere is so inviting and as stated before the people there are so fun. Sometimes people come in and literally stay all day with their computer and work or eat or visit with friends that come and go. Not only is it a restaraunt/coffee shop, it's also a place where a production company is run. The owners Mina and Jim, and the manager, Lindsey, are all part of it. I am so blessed to be working there and when it's all said and done, I will know how to make cappucinos, lattes, cafe au laits, macchiato's and espresso. That's my favorite part.

Another favorite of mine is how the Lord continues to provide for me. It is ridiculously amazing the things that are happening here. I finally recieved my UPS package on Wednesday after I got home from work and I was so excited! I couldn't wait to get those new sheets and put them on my bed. I knew UPS would be delivering after 4:00PM so I sat on the ledge of my window and watched for the truck to come. When the UPS man came and rang my working doorbell I jumped off the window seat and ran to my door. I ripped into the 20lb box and as soon as the lid came off I could smell the fresh scent of clean!!! Aaah, that's what I had been waiting for. As I rummaged through the box there were some special goodies in there like my favorite snacks and a very special envelope.
I knew that Mom had written a letter to go inside because she always writes me when I'm away. I picked the letter up before I looked any further into the box and sat on my couch as I read it. The first part of the letter was a checklist of all that was sent. The second part of the letter is so special. Mom started the letter by saying "I have to let you know what the Lord has been doing in our life and yours!" Then the letter went on to say that as Mama and Papa were shopping Pop said "Let's send Crystal $200 so that she will have some money while she is waiting or applying for jobs. " So, mom was going to write a check, cash it and send it to me but, when they got home that day, there was an envelope in the mail from the IRS. Mom opened it and it was a check for $194.00. They had overpaid an account and sent the money to me! As I read that letter I cried and cried because I am in awe of how the Lord takes care of me.

After reading the letter I took out everyting that was in the box and at the bottom was the envelope that said Money From the Lord. I think I cried for a good thirty minutes and each time I tell the story I can't help but cry. The money from the Lord has allowed me to get the things I need like a blanket for my bed, pillows to sleep on and an alarm clock so I'm not an hour late to work again.
Thank you Lord for your continued provision and thank you Mama and Papa for not sending me a plane ticket home. I love you Love, Miss Gulley in Manhattan |
Thursday, June 16, 2011
The story of a girl...
Let me tell you a story of a girl, named Crystal, who will never learn no matter where she is in this world. It starts like this...Crystal was suddenly awakened by what she thought was the sound of a bell. Hoping it was the UPS man with the 20lb package from Mom and Pop with all the things she forgot or needed, she ran to the door. Once she realized that the bell sound was a figment of her imagination, she called the superintendent to come fix the window and the light in the hallway that was burned out. She was so nice to him they became BFFs and said he offered to let UPS drop the package off at his place if it arrived while she was gone for her first day of work! That put Crystal's mind at ease because that package had sheets for her bed that she desperately needed. Sleeping on sheets that smell musty and old even after they have been washed is not her favorite. Still, Crystal was worried about that package getting to apartment 6C before she had to leave at 2:30. This was going to be UPS second attempt and it just had to be delivered. There's no way for her to carry that much stuff on a subway to and from the Bronx where it would have been stuck. Her worrying caused her to do something crazy. Her roommate, who is now gone for the rest of the summer, told her to not close the door behind her without keys because it is set to stay locked all the time. Of course, that information slipped her mind when she attempted to make sure the doorbell was working so she could hear UPS ring it. Well, it worked but now she was locked out of her apartment with no keys and no phone to call anyone. In a split second she had to think fast. It was 1:00 PM and she had to leave soon so she wouldn't be late for her first day. Also, lunch was on the stove. What a predicament!!! First she went down to her new BFFs apartment but no answer. Then, a lightbulb went off, and she thought of the fire escape. Why not? The window was open and it was easily accessible. As she walked across the street to examine the situation, she weighed the option of climbing the fire escape or finding another way. Since there was no other way, she decided to go for it. She asked the 99 cent store directly below her complex for a ladder. When she did, they looked at her with crazy looks and directed her to the store next door for that ladder. Again, when she asked for a ladder at the bicycle shop she was given more crazy looks. The good news is they had a ladder and allowed her to use it. Bad news is that now Crystal had to figure out how to get from the ladder on the ground to the escape ladder because there was still a huge gap between them! The manager from the bicycle shop was very leery about Crystal climbing the fire escape. At first, he didn't believe that she lived there and asked if her roommate was there to open the door for her. When she said no that she lived by herself he said "okay but I'll help you." So, Crystal started climbing the ladder from the bicycle shop, got to the very top and grabbed on to about the third rung of the escape ladder. When she grabbed onto the escape ladder, it wiggled a whole lot more than expected so she looked down at the man helping her and said "Is this gonna be safe?" He replied "I don't know." She proceeded with caution and had to hoist herself onto the escape ladder. It was was basically a fierce pull up. Keep in mind that climbing a fire escape is not safe, and it's very looked down upon by the superintendents but Crystal is a little bit of a rebel and climbed 6 flights of stairs on the fire escape while an audience of about 5 or 6 watched the whole thing happen. Once she got to the very top of the fire escape, she climbed in to the open window, waved down below to the man from the bicycle shop and yelled thank you! Whew! She was only away from her apartment for a total of 15 minutes and made it on time to her first day of work at Cranky's!!! However, she missed the UPS man that she was so worried about missing in the first place. Oh well, life goes and another adventure was had by Crystal. Whether Crystal lives in New York City or San Antonio, Texas, stuff like this will always happen.
Crystal, the adventurous Miss Gulley in Manhattan
Crystal, the adventurous Miss Gulley in Manhattan

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
When You Know, You Know
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The Met Very Interesting Exhibit |
"You know you're supposed to be here in New York when everything falls into place." Those words were said today by a wise old friend named Phillip Oetlle. That could not be truer because everything IS falling into place and so fast. I am watching God's plan for my life unfold right in front of my eyes. My lifelong dreams are becoming a reality. Some are big, like living in New York and some are small, like being a barista. But God's hand is in it all and it's unbelievable!!!!
Since Wednesday I have enjoyed walking around the city exploring, visiting the MoMA and the Alexander McQueen exhibit at the Met, job hunting, window shopping, visiting the library, sitting in the park, enjoying my new book called Little Bee on the subway and drinking Dean and Deluca chai teas. I have also had the pleasure of living in a dirty apartment for four days b/c my roomie thought it was okay to be a dirty boy. He finally left yesterday for the rest of the summer and I was so happy! But, yesterday was not my favorite day. I first went to Apostles church on the Upper East Side but was 45 minutes late due to the fact that I need a compass and I couldn't find the subway that would get me there. I literally walked 20 blocks in heels just to get there in time for the last half of the sermon. Then, I had to walk those same 20 blocks again because the subway I was going to get on after church was closed.
Next came the most unpleasant part of my day. I cleaned my apartment from 2:00PM until 2:00AM. Of course, I did break to watch the Tony Awards with Ashley, Maxwell and David, but still, that's too long to be cleaning. I had to scrub the bathtub 3 times until the water ran clear! GROSSSS!!!! I was not going to bed till every last inch was scrubbed and clean. I was having a rough day and when I talked to Sutton she said today is awful but tomorrow will be amazing....and she was right!
Since Wednesday I have enjoyed walking around the city exploring, visiting the MoMA and the Alexander McQueen exhibit at the Met, job hunting, window shopping, visiting the library, sitting in the park, enjoying my new book called Little Bee on the subway and drinking Dean and Deluca chai teas. I have also had the pleasure of living in a dirty apartment for four days b/c my roomie thought it was okay to be a dirty boy. He finally left yesterday for the rest of the summer and I was so happy! But, yesterday was not my favorite day. I first went to Apostles church on the Upper East Side but was 45 minutes late due to the fact that I need a compass and I couldn't find the subway that would get me there. I literally walked 20 blocks in heels just to get there in time for the last half of the sermon. Then, I had to walk those same 20 blocks again because the subway I was going to get on after church was closed.
Next came the most unpleasant part of my day. I cleaned my apartment from 2:00PM until 2:00AM. Of course, I did break to watch the Tony Awards with Ashley, Maxwell and David, but still, that's too long to be cleaning. I had to scrub the bathtub 3 times until the water ran clear! GROSSSS!!!! I was not going to bed till every last inch was scrubbed and clean. I was having a rough day and when I talked to Sutton she said today is awful but tomorrow will be amazing....and she was right!
The MoMA! It's free on Fridays!!! |
This morning was fabulous. It was a beautiful day outside and I got to visit with Phillip and his wife, Susan in Long Island City. Not only did I get to visit with such special friends but I got a job at Cranky's as a Barista!!! Long story short, Phil's friend Dave told Phil that Cranky's was hiring so Phil told me that news on Saturday. I planned a visit for today and when I visited Cranky's I filled out an application (believe it or not but they didn't need my resume!) talked to the manager and told her I had no experience but that I was a fast learner. Then I talked to the owner and she basically said, "I don't care if you have experience because we can train you. What I'm looking for is someone who is on time, hospitable, works as a team and is friendly and will take care of our regulars." Then the manager said "How bout you come work a shift and see if it's a good fit for you. I think it will be." I said sure, then we all shook hands and said thank you. Lindsey, the manager, said "You just made my day!" I could not believe it! It was so unreal that I was in total shock! Cranky's hired me on the spot! I walked out to the street and immediately burst into tears becuase the Lord is just totally taking care of me! I've only been in the city 6 days and I have a job! In the midst of tears I called Mama and Papa, told them the good news and then proceeded back up to Phil and Susan's to tell them. I walked in with puffy, red eyes and told them as well. Phil said "Welcome to New York!" and those words have never sounded better. We all sat around in the living room thanking the Lord for his provision and talking about how crazy it was that we were just talking about how you know when you're supposed to be here in New York. Then Susan said, "can we pray?" We bowed our heads and Phil said a beautiful prayer, praying for continued provision, and praying for my future husband. What a sweet, sweet moment and what sweet, sweet friends.
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CRANKY'S!! This is where I will be working! |
It was a day of rejoicing and celebration for all and I start my first shift on Tuesday at 4:00 PM.!!!!
I leave you with my favorite verse of all times because this promise is so true in my life.
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
Happy Barista-ing
Miss Gulley in Manhattan

Monday, June 13, 2011
A compass, a serenade and a lot of laughter
As we all know, I am directionally challenged. I also have a love/hate relationship with maps. Really, just a hate relationship. So, it's a miracle to me that I can make it anywhere in this city with the map on my Iphone. Here's how it works for me... I type in the name of the place I want to go, or the address and then the walking route shows up, like you see below. Well, the next step says something like, head northwest toward 41st street ,and I think "okay I know where that is." Yeah, not really, because I end up going any direction but Northwest and then have to get back on track by looking for my blue dot that is floating off somewhere away from that purple path. I really do a lot of unnecessary walking but at I least I make it somewhere in NYC right? I'm getting the hang of it though and I feel like a real New Yorker sometimes b/c people will stop me in the crowd and say "Where is Times Square?" or "How do you get to Rockefeller Center?" or "What train do I take to get here?" I always love those moment when I can answer with the right way.
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What my map looks like |
Miss Gulley in Manhattan
Friday, June 10, 2011
The Importance of a Resume
I have learned that a resume means everything here in the big city. I mean, they don't really care about applications, they just want to see your resume. Thankfully, I did my homework and was way better prepare on my job hunt today than I was yesterday.
Sad computer is a gonner so I started my day with a venti iced vanilla chai tea latte , a 30 minute subway ride and a trip to the New York City Public Library where I applied and recieved my official library card and made my resume.
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NYC Public Library |
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Lunch in Bryant Park |
After an hour on the library computer I finished up and headed to the beautiful Bryant Park right behind the library, ate lunch at one of the little bistro tables, enjoyed the shade for a bit and then proceeded to turn in my applications from yesterday with my resume attached, of course. I mainly stayed near Midtown, Rockefeller Center and Times Square and I learned that my dreams of being a coffee shop barista might have to come to an end. One of the managers I talked to said "unfortunately, to be a barista you need some experience." BUMMER!!!!!! I haven't given up on that dream just yet.
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NOOOO!!!! Where is Dean and Deluca? |
Next stop....Rockefeller Plaza. I don't really know that place very well unless it's Christmas time with the huge tree. I was so turned around partly because I was looking for Dean and Deluca across from the NBC Studio and when it wasn't there I was so sad! Turns out Dean and Deluca is gone but in its place is Bouchon Bakery and they are hiring. So, again, I gave them my resume and applied online.
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The sign that called my name! |
Amidst my job hunting there was more window shopping because, let's face it, I have an addiction!!! So when I saw Anthropologie in Rockefeller Plaza I just had to go in. It was like the sign was calling my name or something. It's crazy because the same thing happened again with H&M and Macy's! What can I say, I'm a sucker for shopping.
To end my day of shopping I hung out in Times Square on the new red steps by the TKTS booth and watched the fast paced life of this city. It was like I was watching everything on fast forward. There were so many people for as far as I could see and they were all on a mission to get somewhere or do something. That's New York for you and I love it. I have no homework tonight so tomorrow is another day of job hunting. I'm crossing my fingers for something good.
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The fast paced life in Times Square |
Miss Gulley in Manhattan
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Job hunting, exploring and window shopping
I love the hustle and bustle of this city and I also love Dunkin Donuts coffee. So, what better way to start off my day than 2 donuts a cup of coffee. (I had to have sustenance for my long day of job searching.) I enjoyed my breakfast at Fort Washington Park, talked to Mama and then headed up to 116th street where I found a cute coffee shop online called Oren's coffee shop. So, that was my first stop. When I got off the subway I stepped out into the Columbia University area. I soaked it all in for a few seconds and then headed towards the coffee shop. When I found it I walked right up to the counter and said, forgetting I wasn't in Texas anymore, "Are y'all hiring right now?" Thankfully the barista said yes, gave me an application to fill out right there and said if they don't call by Friday to call them and check. First stop = success!!!
After that I waled up and down the streets looking for other places that looked appealing to inquire about a job. I found a boostore called Book Culture and I found a cute place called Max Cafe. However, I encountered a problem along the way. Both of those places asked for my resume. What? I was not prepared with a resume of my work experience because nowhere in Texas do they ask for that when filling out an application. Well, maybe they do I just have never filled out applications for this type of work before. So I had homework to do. But I got several applications to fill out. Here is the list:
Oren's Coffee Shop-Broadway and 116th street
Book Culture by Columbia University
L'occitane-Columbus Circle
Borders-Columbus Circle
Laila Row-Avenue of Americas
Scholastic Bookstore-SoHo
And last but not favorite one....DEAN AND DELUCA-SoHo!!!!! They didn't need a resume so I just filled out the application and went on my merry way.
Needless to say I spent lots of time on the subway and lots of hours walking around with just an Iphone and a prayer to guide me around the city. I did make good use of my time because to me job hunting is like exploring + window shopping all in one!!! I doesn't really get better than that.
While I was out and about I walked the Columbia University Campus, enjoyed Morningside park, popped in and out of places and stumbled upon a beautiful building hiding behind trees and I just had to see what it was. It ended up being a cathedral called The Cathedral of Church of Saint John the Divine. This was my favorite find of the day. It is a beautiful gothic cathedral that reminded me so much of the ones in Europe. I couldn't believe that I just happened upon it. You never know what you might stumble upon at any moment in NYC. I LOVE IT!!!
Around 5:00PM I headed back to my apartment and called it a day. I just need to add that it's blazing hot!!!!! I mean there is no relief from it either. There is hardly a breeze and I have no AC, just a fan that blows in the hot air from outside. So I have probably sweat a whole bucketfull and I don't sweat. So that's crazy!! Anyways, I'm off to do my homework. Resume writing.
Goodnight NYC
Miss Gulley
PS. Pictures to follow soon. My computer is not working at the moment to upload them.
After that I waled up and down the streets looking for other places that looked appealing to inquire about a job. I found a boostore called Book Culture and I found a cute place called Max Cafe. However, I encountered a problem along the way. Both of those places asked for my resume. What? I was not prepared with a resume of my work experience because nowhere in Texas do they ask for that when filling out an application. Well, maybe they do I just have never filled out applications for this type of work before. So I had homework to do. But I got several applications to fill out. Here is the list:
Oren's Coffee Shop-Broadway and 116th street
Book Culture by Columbia University
L'occitane-Columbus Circle
Borders-Columbus Circle
Laila Row-Avenue of Americas
Scholastic Bookstore-SoHo
And last but not favorite one....DEAN AND DELUCA-SoHo!!!!! They didn't need a resume so I just filled out the application and went on my merry way.
Needless to say I spent lots of time on the subway and lots of hours walking around with just an Iphone and a prayer to guide me around the city. I did make good use of my time because to me job hunting is like exploring + window shopping all in one!!! I doesn't really get better than that.
While I was out and about I walked the Columbia University Campus, enjoyed Morningside park, popped in and out of places and stumbled upon a beautiful building hiding behind trees and I just had to see what it was. It ended up being a cathedral called The Cathedral of Church of Saint John the Divine. This was my favorite find of the day. It is a beautiful gothic cathedral that reminded me so much of the ones in Europe. I couldn't believe that I just happened upon it. You never know what you might stumble upon at any moment in NYC. I LOVE IT!!!
Around 5:00PM I headed back to my apartment and called it a day. I just need to add that it's blazing hot!!!!! I mean there is no relief from it either. There is hardly a breeze and I have no AC, just a fan that blows in the hot air from outside. So I have probably sweat a whole bucketfull and I don't sweat. So that's crazy!! Anyways, I'm off to do my homework. Resume writing.
Goodnight NYC
Miss Gulley
PS. Pictures to follow soon. My computer is not working at the moment to upload them.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Hello NYC!!!!
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Yes Shelton's I have a bathroom. It's nice and clean too. |
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This is the view from my window. There is a cute little market right across the street. |
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This is my 47 lb bag unpacked and everything fit perfectly |
I can’t believe this day is finally here! It’s crazy to me that it came so soon and crazy how clearly the hand of God has been in this journey so far! Here is a good example...I had given up on the idea of someone to stay at my apartment while I was gone but Sunday I met with a sweet girl from church named Edika, who was interested in having a place away from her family so she could spend some time alone seeking the Lord and getting some answers. Well, as we talked, it was clear to me that everything had unfolded at just the right time and the circumstances were perfect for us both. Thankfully she has agreed to stay at my place. So that is a huge blessing and provision. One thing I have learned already is that it’s all about timing…not my timing of course, but God’s perfect timing.
Yesterday was a crazy day of packing, re-packing saying bye to Sutton and getting everything in order for me to leave. Once I felt like my apartment was ready for Edika and after Clare helped me cut the ridiculous amount of clothing to fit in my suitcase to half, I went out to Mama and Papa’s for a yummy dinner and good family time. Heather, Scott and the boys were there and I loved seeing my whole family before I left. One thing that made it so special was when Papa asked us all to get in a circle so everyone could pray over me. How blessed am I to be sent off with prayers from my whole family. Even Jake and Jonah said a sweet prayer for me. I love it and I love my family. Again, this morning, Mom and Pop sent me off with sweet words and lots of love. It was more emotional for me than I thought but I think that’s just because I have no idea what’s next so it’s a little scary but oh so exciting!
So, with all that being said, I finally arrived at JFK airport today at 1:15 PM and then arrived at my new summer home in Washington Heights at 3:30 PM. I took the Air train from the JFK to the subway system and then got on the subway and rode it all the way up to 175th street. That took 2 whole hours! It was an interesting adventure getting to my place but I’m here! I’m here and I can’t believe it! I get to spend two months in the city that I love! My apartment is really nice, and in a good area with lots of things to do around it.
I have no idea what I’m going do from day to day but I know my first priority is getting a job. Ideal, would be a cute little coffee shop like Dean and Deluca or a little bookstore. I am going to explore the area and see what I can find.
This is my room for the summer
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This is what they call a closet here! LOL |
Until next time...Miss Gulley
The Journey Begins
NYC here I come!!!! It’s officially the last day of school and I leave for New York in 5 days for an adventure of a lifetime! I will be living there this summer in Washington Heights, working (who knews where) and pretending to be a real New Yorker until school starts again in the middle of August. I love how this all came to be. First of all, I fell in love with NYC when I went for the first time with Molly Ann Sylestine at Christmas time in 2003! From that moment on I just knew I wanted to live there while I was still young and single. So this year after talking to my dear friend Allison, I just decided that I was going to pack up and head out to the Big Apple for the summer because I love my job too much to leave it for good and a summer will give me exactly what I need to get my fix. I feel like there is no better time than now to do this and I can’t wait to see what’s in store!
Crystal AKA Miss Gulley
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12
Crystal AKA Miss Gulley
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12
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