It's funny that my verse for the day was "Be still and know that I am God" because my mind has been running like crazy thinking about my life here.
I need deep friendships here in the City. I know I have them
at home but I need them here to hold me accountable, to be a familiar face in
this big crowd, to spur me on. I know those take time to develop so in the
meantime I'll be patient and continue to work on and build the relationships I do have here.
Speaking of relationships I spent the first part of my week in
Hanover, New Hampshire visiting my BFF of 17 years, Clare Mortimer. It
was a much needed get away from the concrete jungle I live in. New Hampshire is
a treasure trove of hills, and trees and mountain people. Let’s just say they are very interesting. Clare is doing the Opera North, Young Artist
program so I went to see her show. I've seen her perform in college but
never on a professional level so this was a lovely treat. Her roommates
were awesome and, like old times , we stayed up till 3 in the morning talking
and laughing and catching up on life. Aaahhh friendship. I needed
Before I went to New
Hampshire, Cindy David and her daughter
Alyson Young came to the City for a visit. I needed that too! I
miss Cindy soooo much it's ridiculous! We had dinner at Serendipity, dessert at
Juniors two nights in a row and lots of shopping and lots of coffee. When
we parted ways tears left my eyes because, once again, I needed that taste of
home but I also knew that she was going back to school this week to set up her
room and I wouldn’t be there. When I really think about that it takes a
toll on me and I just cry...I am beginning to wonder if I will ever get over
it. Who knows?
I have also thought a lot about the rejections I will face in the
future and I've got to be tough because, let’s be honest, it hurts. I got a taste of rejection Wednesday night
when I finally sat down at my computer long enough to check my emails. I received
an email from Education Through Music, the company I interviewed with a couple
of weeks ago. It was a letter saying they enjoyed my interview but I was
not a good fit for their company. It was nothing about my teaching just
not the right fit with the schools they have. I kind of had that feeling
when I called and they said if we want to hire you we'll call. I was
prepared for that news just didn’t know when it would be official. I ran
the interview over and over in my head and asked myself, what in the world did
I say that didn't sit well with them... and I know exactly what it was.
In the interview I talked about all the performances we did with the
grade levels and choir and the All School Musical and the Program Director flat
out asked "Don't you think all those programs take away from the musical
concepts taught in the classroom?" I quickly responded with
something like "absolutely not because they are learning life lessons, how
to work together, how to listen to each other and sing in a group, how to
be confident and perform in front of others, I think it adds a great deal of
value to the music concepts being taught in the classroom." Geeeees,
to me teaching is not about making sure the kids know all the note values and
how to play Orff instruments and how to sight read by the time they reach fifth
grade. I believe it’s my job as an educator to introduce them to music
and the basic concepts, nurture an appreciation for it and give them the desire
to learn more so my students will pursue it in the future. As long as they
appreciate and know the type of musical opportunities that are out there I have
done my job. I know my philosophy is very different than most but that’s what I believe in. Don't get me wrong, I taught those
musical concepts on every grade level but since my passion is performing that's
what I bring to the table when I teach. So, of course they didn't hire
me. I need a children's theatre job, that's what I really want!
Okay, so now that it's almost the end of August and I'm back at square
one with the job hunt, I'm freaking out just a little bit. I know the
Lord is my provider but man, I hope he provides soon. I have one more
paycheck and then I will really be a starving artist. However, I did have two
quick interviews this weekend with a restaurant called Hillstone on the East
Side. I’ll know in 24 hours if they want
me to come in for the second round. I’m
keeping my fingers crossed and saying my prayers.
I've also thought a lot about my Meisner class. Our last
class was on Thursday and I'm a little sad. Even though I've had many
sleepless nights, I've enjoyed the people in my class more than I thought I
would and I'll be sad when I don't see them twice a week at least. But,
that's normal for me. I'm so sentimental and I really did learn way more
than I expected, especially from my favorite scene partner. Oh well, c’est la vie! I will be taking the
year course with the same teacher, Charles Goforth, and that starts in the
middle of September. So, I'll have a little break and then it's back to
sleepless nights trying to craft an independent activity.
Along with meisner, rejection, job hunting and friends I have
thought about my apartment situation. Really, the roommate situation. Two
weeks ago Rebecca and I went searching for apartments again. I had
wrapped my brain around the fact that they were going to be small so I was a
little bit more prepared this time and did not hyperventilate. We were
able to see at least 6 or more apartments and they were all so different.
Rebecca and I were very clear about what we liked and what we didn't like
at each place. Of course, the last place we looked at was "the
one." I knew it when I walked in and could envision furniture in specific
places and a room that called my name! It
was the perfect size and it had a little hallway which made me feel like I had
a little corner to myself when I needed it. We were with our realtor,
Mike, and said we want this one. Funny thing about the place is that it's
the same apartment building where I had my freak out. We began and ended
the search in the same place. As soon as we decided we wanted it Mike laid out
all the paperwork that was needed.
Rebecca and I both looked at each other like "whoa, that's a lot to
gather." Well, there was one problem, Jessica, our third
roommate. How in the world were we going to get her paperwork and all the
information we needed from her? I immediately called her because I feel
like business like that should be taken care of over the phone, not via text or
email. Well, I never got a call back.
Instead she texted me and said she would call the next day. In the meantime, I emailed her all the
paperwork that was necessary to hold our apartment. To make a long drawn out story short, Jessica
ended up telling me via email that she had no proof of income, no guarantors,
no way to sign a lease so if we wanted her as our roommate we would have to do
a 3 bedroom sublease. When I read that I
literally laughed out loud because 3 bedroom subleases do not exist! So, bottom line is it’s just me and Rebecca
now. I honestly think it’s probably
better that way because it will give us more space and Rebecca and I know that
we already get along really well. This
is just proof that the Lord knows what’s best and probably protected us from a
bad situation in the long run. Since I
still don’t have a job and we lost a roommate we have decided to put the search
on hold until September and then hopefully we can move in as soon as we find a
As I write this sitting against a tree on The Great Lawn in
Central Park I just have to say this New Yorker is very homesick. My heart aches for home. Alas, home will have to wait until my
next….actually last paycheck from NEISD.
Until then I will be searching for jobs, taking some dance classes,
quieting my restless mind, and hopefully getting settled in a little bit more
because I have to face the reality that I’m here in New York for a while. That’s the choice I made, that’s the choice I
feel is right, it just takes a little
getting used to.
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Dartmouth College in beautiful New Hampshire |
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