Well.... this is it. This is the end of my summer in the most amazing city and the summer where my dream to live here came true! Words cannot express how thankful I am that I've had this opportunity. When I think about it, my summer was a hard one because I've learned so many life lessons and I feel like I've grown up a little bit. I've learned what it's going to take to audition well and I've made a list of all the things I need to do to get ready for next summer. I've learned how to be friendly when I don't want to be walking the streets of NY and working at Cranky's dealing with customers. I've learned that God is in control of everything, my money, my dreams and my future and I'm not. I've learned that the City can be an extremely lonely place and that I need people. I've learned how to make adult conversation, something I've struggled with for a long time and I've learned how to be honest with my feelings. Growing up is hard sometimes but I'm glad I grew up a little in NYC.
My summer has also been incredibly, amazing because I have seen the Lord provide in miraculous ways, I have been blessed beyond measure, I had an awesome job, and I have met some really great people and experienced things I never thought I would get the chance to do.
I have had many adventures this summer too, like climbing a fire escape, auditions were always interesting, riding through Chinatown on a motorcycle, Tango Dancing in Union Square, going out with total strangers and living with one mouse that multiplied into who knows how many?!
But right now I'm sittin on Delta Fllight 1709 to San Antonio and my heart hurts. My heart hurts because I left New York City but it really hurts because I left someone special behind that I wasn't planning on meeting by the name of Jonathan Dickson from South Carolina. With that being said, Monday and Tuesday were really hard days. I was overwhelmed with emotions and I shed many, many tears. I had tons of packing to do, not to mention last minute shopping and I had to get my fill of Johhny D!
Tuesday was a whirlwind. I made my flight reservation for 7:00PM because I had one more audition. It was for the Wicked National Tour and I was going to that audition! It was at 10:30 yesterday. So I woke up early, got ready and headed down to the "holding room." I was bummed because the casting directors were "typing" so only Equity members were able to audition. It all worked out for the best though because not auditioning gave me time to go to Cranky's one more time and pick up my final checks. I got there and saw Sunday, Emi and Jim. The people I didn't get to see on my last day. I was so happy. Then I went back home to re-pack. I ended up sending 3 boxes home and had 3 suitcases to take to the airport. I took my three boxes to ship to the post office in the pouring rain at 4:00PM and then had to catch a taxi at 5:00 but didn't till 5:30 to get to the airport by 6:00. Well of course that didn't happen and the airport yesterday was disastrous. Thankfully Jonathan met me at the airport to send me off. But my bag was 65 lbs. 15 lbs overweight and I was going to have to pay 115.00 to get it on the plane. I was willing because at that point I had no where else to put it. It ended up that my flight was totally rescheduled for today instead because my original flight out of LGA was delayed two hours and I was going to miss my connecting flight. So I had one more night in the City and more time with Jonathan. I'm so glad Jonathan was there because there was no way I could carry all those bags back into the city. Instead he lugged around my 65lb bag up stairs, on the subway and down several blocks where I parked them at the YMCA. This morning I was able to re-pack, send one more 20lb box home and make it to the airport on time.
Yes, i'm so sad about coming home and Yes, I know I'll be back sooner than later. but it's still hard to settle in and call a place home for two months and then come back to the reality of life in San Antonio. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and thats why I came back. I did miss my friends and my family and of course, my queso and I am ready for a clean bath tub and a clean apartment with no mice and air conditioning. I am excited about the adventures waiting for me here. I lived a dream this summer and met an amazing man. What more could a girl ask for??
Until next summer,
Miss Gulley in Manhattan.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
From my heart to the heavens....
I have had a wonderful weekend. It started with my last day of work at Cranky's on Friday. I thought for sure I would be a basket case and cry and cry and cry all day but I really didn't. It was a very weird day at Cranky's though. The morning was so slow and people would trickle in one by one. It was so nice and peaceful. Lindsey came in early and told Emi, the barista, she could go home at 12:00PM. As soon as Emi was cut literally 50 people at one time came through the door and sat down for lunch! It was crazy. Lindsey told Emi she couldn't go and we were crazy busy until it was time for me to leave. Kevin came by to say by on Thursday and Friday. He has been so awesome and encouraging to me I love him to death. Ashley Mitchell came by to meet me because we were going to a show later so I started closing out my drawer and saying my goodbyes. That consisted of lots of pictures being taken and sadness but no tears. To me it felt like a brief parting because I'll be back next summer. So it wasn't "goodbye" it was "I'll see you later." When I left, Lindsey gave me a huge hug and said "I love you" and it was so sweet so I hugged her back and said "I love you too." Then I had written Kevin a little card and he gave me one of his CD's and then we said our goodbye. I cannot tell you how lucky I am. The job at Cranky's was totally a gift from God and I know it. I was blessed beyond measure by the people I met and that same job is already lined up for next summer.
I was really glad Ashley came to visit because I think it sort of softened the blow of leaving. I was sad, but like I said, it wasn't really a goodbye forever sort of thing. Ashley and I got on the train to Times Square and then bought student tickets for Masterclass with Tyne Daily. We met up with David and had a lovely dinner at Don Giovanni's and then headed to the show.
Masterclass was about Maria Callas' life as an opera singer and based off of her series of Masterclasses given at Juliard. It was a very interesting show and I enjoyed it. After the show was over we hung out at the stage door and got a picture with Tyne Daily. I love how some actors are gracious and will talk to everyone waiting. Then there are some who just think they are too good for their fans like Sierra Boggess. She walked out talked to four or five people on the other side of the stage door and left. She didn't even turn around to see the other side. People were calling her name and it didn't even phase her. She just left. That was annoying. So, David, Ashley and I had a few words to say about that. LOL. After that Ashley and I met up with Maxwell at the Disney store and hung out for a bit then I headed home.
Saturday, I woke up at noon and I cannot tell you how good that felt. That was the first time all summer I had been able to sleep that late. Aahh it was amazing. Then, I found a mouse in my trash can so I called home and vented for a bit. Then I headed to the Brooklyn Flea one more time to get some baby gifts for my pregnant friends. Basically I shopped all day and I loved it.
I really wanted to see Anything Goes and Saturday was really my last chance. I went to the TKTS booth and they were all sold out so I went to the box office and ended up getting a standing room only ticket for only $30.00. I watched the show with a giddly, schoolgirl smile on my face the entire time!!! I love musicals and I thought Sutton Foster was amazing. I loved watching the show because you could tell that every single person was having a total blast! I would describe Anything Goes as old school Broadway with huge chorus numbers, Cole Porter classics and tap dancing! I'm gonna say it again, I love musicals. They are like food for my soul!
Sunday I woke up and went to Trinity Grace for the last time this summer. I have really enjoyed that church and I'm so glad that's where I ended up going. After church Noel got a group of people together to go eat in my favorite place, Central Park. I wish that I had been going to lunch with these people all summer because I met so many new people. Too bad I'm leaving tomorrow. Anyway, hindsight is 20/20 right? Even so, I enjoyed it. Then, of course, I went shopping some more and ended up having a very interestesting converstation wtih a lady named Bonnie at Laila Rowe. There was a pair of shoes I wanted at the Laila Rowe on 72nd. They didn't have my size so they sent me to the one on 84th. Well, they were all out too but my conversation with Bonnie was orchestrated by God. Bonnie and I talked about the lost people in the City, we talked about our churches that we go to and she told me all about her goal of producing a show that follows praise bands throughout the country. It was a beatiful moment when we realized I was sent to that store for a purpose. Oh Jesus you're so good!
I had planned on going to Hillsong at 5:00 yesterday so I could go to the free Tango lesson in Union Square. Well, that didn't happen and I'm so glad because I love the 7:00PM service. Hillsong is a place like no other and I have never experienced another church like it. I feel like I talk about it all the time but it's really a special place and I feel like the Lord is going to use those people and that church in a mighty way here in NYC. We sang a song with these lyrics and this is my prayer "From my heart to the heavens, Jesus be the center. It's all about you." The music was over and people kept singing and singing for at least 20 more minutes. They were praying and praising the Lord with such devotion and freedom. That's why I say Hillsong is a glimpse of heaven. I did end up going to the Tango lesson afterward and my private teacher Bill came to say hi from last week. He showed me a few more things and then we grabbed a drink at a japanese restaraunt. I'm crazy for hanging out with strangers but hey, I wouldn't have had the experiences I've had if i didn't. Bill was very nice and told me all about the education system here in NYC and I need to do some research because I have thought about teaching here maybe next year. But who knows. After our drink he drove me home and then I got some beauty rest.
Today is my last full day in the city and I can't believe it's over. My summer went by way too fast. I have lots to do today so I'm gonna live it up in the city one last time.
Miss Gulley in Manhattan
I was really glad Ashley came to visit because I think it sort of softened the blow of leaving. I was sad, but like I said, it wasn't really a goodbye forever sort of thing. Ashley and I got on the train to Times Square and then bought student tickets for Masterclass with Tyne Daily. We met up with David and had a lovely dinner at Don Giovanni's and then headed to the show.
Masterclass was about Maria Callas' life as an opera singer and based off of her series of Masterclasses given at Juliard. It was a very interesting show and I enjoyed it. After the show was over we hung out at the stage door and got a picture with Tyne Daily. I love how some actors are gracious and will talk to everyone waiting. Then there are some who just think they are too good for their fans like Sierra Boggess. She walked out talked to four or five people on the other side of the stage door and left. She didn't even turn around to see the other side. People were calling her name and it didn't even phase her. She just left. That was annoying. So, David, Ashley and I had a few words to say about that. LOL. After that Ashley and I met up with Maxwell at the Disney store and hung out for a bit then I headed home.
Saturday, I woke up at noon and I cannot tell you how good that felt. That was the first time all summer I had been able to sleep that late. Aahh it was amazing. Then, I found a mouse in my trash can so I called home and vented for a bit. Then I headed to the Brooklyn Flea one more time to get some baby gifts for my pregnant friends. Basically I shopped all day and I loved it.
I really wanted to see Anything Goes and Saturday was really my last chance. I went to the TKTS booth and they were all sold out so I went to the box office and ended up getting a standing room only ticket for only $30.00. I watched the show with a giddly, schoolgirl smile on my face the entire time!!! I love musicals and I thought Sutton Foster was amazing. I loved watching the show because you could tell that every single person was having a total blast! I would describe Anything Goes as old school Broadway with huge chorus numbers, Cole Porter classics and tap dancing! I'm gonna say it again, I love musicals. They are like food for my soul!
Sunday I woke up and went to Trinity Grace for the last time this summer. I have really enjoyed that church and I'm so glad that's where I ended up going. After church Noel got a group of people together to go eat in my favorite place, Central Park. I wish that I had been going to lunch with these people all summer because I met so many new people. Too bad I'm leaving tomorrow. Anyway, hindsight is 20/20 right? Even so, I enjoyed it. Then, of course, I went shopping some more and ended up having a very interestesting converstation wtih a lady named Bonnie at Laila Rowe. There was a pair of shoes I wanted at the Laila Rowe on 72nd. They didn't have my size so they sent me to the one on 84th. Well, they were all out too but my conversation with Bonnie was orchestrated by God. Bonnie and I talked about the lost people in the City, we talked about our churches that we go to and she told me all about her goal of producing a show that follows praise bands throughout the country. It was a beatiful moment when we realized I was sent to that store for a purpose. Oh Jesus you're so good!
I had planned on going to Hillsong at 5:00 yesterday so I could go to the free Tango lesson in Union Square. Well, that didn't happen and I'm so glad because I love the 7:00PM service. Hillsong is a place like no other and I have never experienced another church like it. I feel like I talk about it all the time but it's really a special place and I feel like the Lord is going to use those people and that church in a mighty way here in NYC. We sang a song with these lyrics and this is my prayer "From my heart to the heavens, Jesus be the center. It's all about you." The music was over and people kept singing and singing for at least 20 more minutes. They were praying and praising the Lord with such devotion and freedom. That's why I say Hillsong is a glimpse of heaven. I did end up going to the Tango lesson afterward and my private teacher Bill came to say hi from last week. He showed me a few more things and then we grabbed a drink at a japanese restaraunt. I'm crazy for hanging out with strangers but hey, I wouldn't have had the experiences I've had if i didn't. Bill was very nice and told me all about the education system here in NYC and I need to do some research because I have thought about teaching here maybe next year. But who knows. After our drink he drove me home and then I got some beauty rest.
Today is my last full day in the city and I can't believe it's over. My summer went by way too fast. I have lots to do today so I'm gonna live it up in the city one last time.
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Hannah, me and Lindsey at Cranky's |
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Kevin Woods: My Texas, Musician Friend |
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Yep! That's Tyne Daily |
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Tango in the Square |
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Ne and Noel in Central Park |
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Be fruitful and multiply...
OMG!!!!!!! This can't really be happening to me!!! The first mouse I killed several weeks ago had babies!!! I'm not even kidding and I'm so grossed out. I don't even know what to do! I HATE THIS APARTMENT!!!!!!
This morning after I woke up, I went to throw something away. When I opened the trash can there was a mouse in there. I don't know how it got it in there because the trash can is always closed unless I put something in it I called my mom and told her all about it and then decided I would just tie up the trash bag in hopes the mouse was still having a feast inside and take out the bag ASAP.
This morning after I woke up, I went to throw something away. When I opened the trash can there was a mouse in there. I don't know how it got it in there because the trash can is always closed unless I put something in it I called my mom and told her all about it and then decided I would just tie up the trash bag in hopes the mouse was still having a feast inside and take out the bag ASAP.
Then tonight after I got home I made some dinner and was about to sit in the living room but stopped dead in my tracks because I saw something weird in the hallway next to my video camera. Oh, don't worry, it was just another mouse! This mouse didn't even budge when I walked towards it. It was crazy! That's two mice in one day. There is no telling how many more there are.
Looks like I will be at the store first thing in the morning buying lots of mouse traps that aren't the sticky kind. UUUUGGGGHHHHHHH!!! Not my idea of fun for my last few days here. At this moment San Antonio is looking really good even though I'm not ready to go back. I am ready to leave this apartment though because I live with mice and lots of them. GROSSS!!!
The official mouse lady of 174th street, Miss Gulley in Manhattan
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
For the Beauty of the Earth
For the beauty of the earth is the phrase that keeps occupying my mind today. I am overwhelmed with the beauty found in this city. Yes, there are roaches, there are rats in the subway, there are mice in apartments and of course bed bugs that run rampant in the city. Trash bags lines the streets every few days. You should never step in wet places because you have no idea if it's water or something else. Sometimes it smells bad all over the city too. Yes, people are mean and brash and tell you exactly what is on their mind. Sometimes they will run over you with their stollers on a street that has no room for them. The apartments are dirty, they are hole in the wall places but there is still beauty in all of this.
There is beauty in the parks of this city. Central Park is too marvelous for words. There is always something happening there and I stumbled upon swing dancing and Big Band Jazz on Saturday. I met an elderly man by the name of Gary and enjoyed his company for a bit as we listened to the sounds of music that brings people together from all ages and all backgrounds. Not only did I stumble upon the great music but I stayed in the park all day and stood in the standby line for Shakespeare in the Park's Measure for Measure. I met a nice lady from Jersey and we talked for the hours we were in line. We both got the last two standby tickets for the last performance and it was amazing. I know getting the last two tickets was a total God thing.
There is beauty in the people of this city who come from all over the world to live, to be tourists, to follow their dreams. There is not a day that goes by that I don't meet someone new. That's amazing to me because in San Antonio, I guess I just don't get out much, but here I have no choice because there is too much I want to do! So, naturally, I meet great people along the way. Sometimes, I even spend an evening with them listening to live music and riding on a motorcyle through the streets of Chinatown. I know i'm crazy but it sure is fun!
If walls could talk the apartments in this city would have amazing stories to tell. I love that! There is history all over the place and so much character in each different part of the city. There is beauty in the opportunities here. Not just opportunities to pursue dreams but opportunites to experience new things, to enjoy finer things in life for free, like theatre, like dancing, like amazing meals. All those things are available to any one and everyone here. For example, I stumbled upon free Tango dancing in Union Square on Sunday night and a really nice gentleman by the name of Bill taught me how to tango.
There is beauty in the way people love Jesus. It's like an all or nothing deal here. You are either 100 percent in love with Jesus or you could care less and only think of yourself. When I go to church on Sundays I realize this place is such a mission field and I'm surrounded by people who are passionate about Jesus! It's beautiful.
Today the reason the phrase "for the beauty of the earth" has run through my mind is because I have had an amazing day I have found beauty in the farmers market on 168th and Fort Washington. I loved looking at all the fresh fruits and vegetables that come straight out of the ground. They look so fresh and full of flavor. I believe that when I come home I will be visiting the farmers market on 281 frequently and I'm going organic. I think I might like it. See, that's beautiful...a girl who doesn't like veggies wants to go to a farmers market and buy some. Amazing.
I have also found beauty today in Fort Tryon Park and The Cloisters two subway stops away from me on 190th. As I was walking through Fort Tryon Park and the Heather Gardens I stopped to look out across the water and the view was magnificent. I just stood in awe of God's creation. I parked myself on a bench and enjoyed the view for a bit more. There was a tug boat next to a huge cargo ship out on the Hudson River, I could see the George Washington Bridge in the distance and I was enjoying the nice cool breeze that would blow through every once in a while.
I very much enjoyed the park but then, when I made it to The Cloisters I was again, overwhelmed with the beauty of the medieval art housed there and the architecture inside the building itself. I walked into the entrance and I had to step back and take in the coolest entry ever. It was a huge staircase with a beautiful arch at the top, there was a blast of cold air that hit me when I walked in and I felt like I had just been transported to a different era. I loved that moment. I think the architecture was more fascinating to me than the actual art itself. The stained glass windows were beautiful. The tapestries were so intricate and the style of the art work was very interesting. One thing I loved about this museum was that it was just a peaceful place to be and the people walking around were really respectful and very quiet. My little outing to this museum was a treasured moment in my New York summer.
As the day continued I just felt like it was a perfect day. Everything just seemed to fall in place so well. I got home did laundry and I loved it. I normally hate laundry day but today I loved it. It only took only 2 hours to wash, dry, fold and put away. After laundry was a birthday party for South Carolina's own Johnny D and then dancing with a total stranger. Not really, he was at the birthday party and was going to Connelly's on 45th for some west coast swing dancing and invited me along so I couldn't pass it up. I can't express how much I love dancing! I love it, I love it, I love it!!!!! The evening ended with a trip to a 24 hour diner on the Upper East Side called Gracie Mews, good company, good conversation and a taxi ride home.
There is beauty in the life I live and it's days like these that I can't help but enjoy the beauty all around me. Not just in nature but in people, in relationships, in circumstances and the way things happen. I love this place and I can't believe I have only one week left. I'm gonna soak it all up and enjoy every last moment.
A girl who lives a beautfiul life, Miss Gulley in Manhattan.
There is beauty in the parks of this city. Central Park is too marvelous for words. There is always something happening there and I stumbled upon swing dancing and Big Band Jazz on Saturday. I met an elderly man by the name of Gary and enjoyed his company for a bit as we listened to the sounds of music that brings people together from all ages and all backgrounds. Not only did I stumble upon the great music but I stayed in the park all day and stood in the standby line for Shakespeare in the Park's Measure for Measure. I met a nice lady from Jersey and we talked for the hours we were in line. We both got the last two standby tickets for the last performance and it was amazing. I know getting the last two tickets was a total God thing.
There is beauty in the people of this city who come from all over the world to live, to be tourists, to follow their dreams. There is not a day that goes by that I don't meet someone new. That's amazing to me because in San Antonio, I guess I just don't get out much, but here I have no choice because there is too much I want to do! So, naturally, I meet great people along the way. Sometimes, I even spend an evening with them listening to live music and riding on a motorcyle through the streets of Chinatown. I know i'm crazy but it sure is fun!
If walls could talk the apartments in this city would have amazing stories to tell. I love that! There is history all over the place and so much character in each different part of the city. There is beauty in the opportunities here. Not just opportunities to pursue dreams but opportunites to experience new things, to enjoy finer things in life for free, like theatre, like dancing, like amazing meals. All those things are available to any one and everyone here. For example, I stumbled upon free Tango dancing in Union Square on Sunday night and a really nice gentleman by the name of Bill taught me how to tango.
There is beauty in the way people love Jesus. It's like an all or nothing deal here. You are either 100 percent in love with Jesus or you could care less and only think of yourself. When I go to church on Sundays I realize this place is such a mission field and I'm surrounded by people who are passionate about Jesus! It's beautiful.
Today the reason the phrase "for the beauty of the earth" has run through my mind is because I have had an amazing day I have found beauty in the farmers market on 168th and Fort Washington. I loved looking at all the fresh fruits and vegetables that come straight out of the ground. They look so fresh and full of flavor. I believe that when I come home I will be visiting the farmers market on 281 frequently and I'm going organic. I think I might like it. See, that's beautiful...a girl who doesn't like veggies wants to go to a farmers market and buy some. Amazing.
I have also found beauty today in Fort Tryon Park and The Cloisters two subway stops away from me on 190th. As I was walking through Fort Tryon Park and the Heather Gardens I stopped to look out across the water and the view was magnificent. I just stood in awe of God's creation. I parked myself on a bench and enjoyed the view for a bit more. There was a tug boat next to a huge cargo ship out on the Hudson River, I could see the George Washington Bridge in the distance and I was enjoying the nice cool breeze that would blow through every once in a while.
I very much enjoyed the park but then, when I made it to The Cloisters I was again, overwhelmed with the beauty of the medieval art housed there and the architecture inside the building itself. I walked into the entrance and I had to step back and take in the coolest entry ever. It was a huge staircase with a beautiful arch at the top, there was a blast of cold air that hit me when I walked in and I felt like I had just been transported to a different era. I loved that moment. I think the architecture was more fascinating to me than the actual art itself. The stained glass windows were beautiful. The tapestries were so intricate and the style of the art work was very interesting. One thing I loved about this museum was that it was just a peaceful place to be and the people walking around were really respectful and very quiet. My little outing to this museum was a treasured moment in my New York summer.
As the day continued I just felt like it was a perfect day. Everything just seemed to fall in place so well. I got home did laundry and I loved it. I normally hate laundry day but today I loved it. It only took only 2 hours to wash, dry, fold and put away. After laundry was a birthday party for South Carolina's own Johnny D and then dancing with a total stranger. Not really, he was at the birthday party and was going to Connelly's on 45th for some west coast swing dancing and invited me along so I couldn't pass it up. I can't express how much I love dancing! I love it, I love it, I love it!!!!! The evening ended with a trip to a 24 hour diner on the Upper East Side called Gracie Mews, good company, good conversation and a taxi ride home.
There is beauty in the life I live and it's days like these that I can't help but enjoy the beauty all around me. Not just in nature but in people, in relationships, in circumstances and the way things happen. I love this place and I can't believe I have only one week left. I'm gonna soak it all up and enjoy every last moment.
A girl who lives a beautfiul life, Miss Gulley in Manhattan.
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